Bob Brocker is a semi-retired railroad executive and management consultant. He spends much of his time advocating for older adults with various nonprofit organizations: A Little Help, Colorado Senior Lobby, Advisory Council on Aging (DRCOG), and the SAPGA (Senior Action Planning Group on Aging) Technology and Innovation Committee. Bob is pleased to rejoin our board after serving as Board Chair from 2011-2014 and as a volunteer since 2010. He now serves on the Planned Giving and Philanthropy Committees.
Bob Brocker is a semi-retired railroad executive and management consultant. He spends much of his time advocating for older adults with various nonprofit organizations: A Little Help, Colorado Senior Lobby, Advisory Council on Aging (DRCOG), and the SAPGA (Senior Action Planning Group on Aging) Technology and Innovation Committee. Bob is pleased to rejoin our board after serving as Board Chair from 2011-2014 and as a volunteer since 2010. He now serves on the Planned Giving and Philanthropy Committees.